Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Three

I woke up today feeling angry. Last night I was stressed out about the economy and the way the country feels like it is going out of control. On the one hand, there have been lots of scares like Y2K and others that have been hyped up as the end of the world, but on the other hand just because it has not happened in my lifetime does not mean that another Great Depression or cataclysmic event bringing forth a new and horrible dark age is out of the question. Those things have happened before. So at the onset there is need for balance. The out come of our politicians' efforts might be fantastic or abominable but will most likely fall somewhere in between. But really, all this is out of my control. I can do some small things to prepare myself. I can go to work every day and hope my job is there for me tomorrow so that I might sustain this "life" I have built around myself. What then? What is it that I must do to get from here to there where the grass is greener. Normally, alcohol would have nicely buried all this and perhaps a little not worrying about it is a good thing - just not in a manner that carries along with it so many unwanted side effects. So what then? It seems to be an issue of control or a feeling of lack of control. Prayer comes to mind as an option, but what should I pray for? Should I pray that some outside force comes and rescues me - that the cup passes my lips? Maybe I should pray that I, myself, have the wisdom to see the correct path and the strength to make the right decisions and act on them. Perhaps I should embrace the cup - this new cup filled with that which makes me stronger.


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